MAMBA Preparing to Breastfeed


Module 2
Getting to grips with the basics

Step 1: Enjoy The Module Video Below!

This module we have dived into the basics of physical breastfeeding, focusing on positioning and attachment as well as combination feeding, expressing and storing breastmilk.

No amount of looking at slides and static images of breastfeeding will really give you the understanding you need though, and until your baby is born and you can experience how it all works for yourself and your baby it will remain in the theoretical part of your brain I’m afraid.

However to help bring you that one step closer to understanding I have pulled together some fantastic videos from International Organisations and IBCLCs so you can watch real live babies getting it right (and wrong) and start to apply some of this weeks knowledge to real life scenarios.

Step 2: Homework!

Along with watching the below video links, the other part of your homework is to download a fantastic App to your devices which will be of huge help.

Breastfeeding Hub was developed by NHS Cambridgeshire Community Services and is supporting Mums with a host of information, videos and links straight to your mobile device. You can download the App for iOS here and Android here.

I hope you enjoy exploring this weeks further learning. This first video below is an ESSENTIAL WATCH for anyone hoping to breastfeed. It is such a wonderful resource full of top information and can be referred back to again and again in those early days and weeks to help ensure you are getting the positioning and attachment right for you and your baby. If you have completed the MAMBA Baby Care Course then you will have already enjoyed this great video resource.

This next clip is a helpful video chat with IBCLC Lucy Ruddle who is talking about trouble shooting in the early days and how breast shaping, flipple technique and shields can be used to help overcome some early challenges. Lucy has a great online social media presence and support groups offering lots of free advice and videos, so look her up and add her to your ‘follow’ list for a more positive newsfeed!

Another great IBCLC in the UK pushing out helpful tips and videos is Lucy Webber (look her up on facebook and IG for a cheeky follow). Here she is demonstrating the importance of the head tilt and positioning in line to help your baby feed. Grad a drink and join in the experiement!

And it’s always important to look at different positions which may work better for you than others. C-section scars can sometimes cause discomfort with certain breastfeeding holds so having some alternatives is great! Here’s a quick video looking at some of the more popular holds, so grab a teddy or doll and practice along with the video.

Which brings us on to expressing and pumping, so lets take a look at some hand expressing video tips from the Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative.

MAMBA Hand Expressing 2021.png

I talked a lot about the different types of breast pumps on the market, but there is no need to rush out and buy an expensive one at all. There are loads of videos and articles about different breast pumps out there to help you choose if you want to invest in one. However, many women go through their whole journey without a pump (just as our grandparents did!).

If you did want to be prepared and have something to hand then a Silicone Pump could be right for you. Here is Jacqueline Kincer IBCLC talking about how to use a HAAKAA to great effect.

Below is a short video looking at how paced bottle feeding works to give your baby better control over their milk intake, and to help support successful combination feeding.

Lucy’s back again in this last video sharing some sensible thoughts on combination feeding with you all.