Labour and Active Birth Workshop

Session 3


Another page full of useful info…

I hope this weeks session has left you feeling more confident in navigating the choices that may present during labour and birth, such as pain relief options and augmentation and intervention during labour. It is so important to understand the different things that may be discussed during labour and birth, so that you feel able to make decisions confidently, knowing both your feelings about what is being offered as well as alternatives you may wish to explore instead.

Whatever presents, having a decision making tool such as BRAINS can help re-assess at every turn and open up conversations with your caregivers to ensure you get the information you need at the time. Below is the anagram for your notes.


One of the most important conversations we had this session was around birth rights. It may not have been something that has ever occurred to you, however what I firmly believe (as do so many who work in the birth world) is that if you can confiendely advocate for your rights and navigate your choices you are more likely to have a ‘positive birth experience’.

If this is an area that has sparked a fire within you then please feel free to explore the topic more. Some great starting resources are:

  • WEBSITE: AIMS- Loads of helpful information, videos, articles and resources. Everything from Birth During COVID-19 to homebirth and csection. It’s a website dedicated to improvements in maternity care, run by midwives and advocates and a staunch advocate for supporting your birth rights. If at any point during your pregnancy you would like to seek a second opinion or professional advice you can contact them free of charge.

  • WEBSITE: Birth Rights- Birthrights champions respectful care during pregnancy and childbirth by protecting human rights. They provide advice and information on your legal rights, train doctors and midwives, and campaign to change maternity policy and systems. Again, lots of helpful factsheets and information to explore.

We went on to talk through induction- both the process, and how it might change your labour as well as the sensations you experience. I think it is important to remain open-minded but well informed about both induction along side your pain relief options which we also reviewed during the session. Again, infographics for both of these are below as a summary, and larger documents with more information on are found via these links. You may wish to print some of these for in your notes and incorporate elements into your birth plan.


Below are some links to other great external sources around the topics we covered, if you have any questions (as these are all quite big subjective topics) then do not hesitate to give me a call to discuss.

I look forward to seeing you again in our final session!
