MAMBA Baby Care Course


Module 1

From Womb To World

Step 1: Enjoy The Module Video Below


Step 2: Homework!


Handling & Holding Babies

Check out some useful baby holds and then grab a doll or teddy and have a go yourself. Please remember the four golden rules for handling babies:

  1. Slowly

  2. Carefully

  3. Support Their Head

  4. Check for Clear Airways

The below link will open an info-graphic showing picking up and holding a baby safely. It can be useful when discussing it with older siblings too.


Nappy Changing

Most new parents use disposable nappies, either for every day or in combination with reusable ones. This video gives you some practical tips on how to change a disposable nappy quickly and with least change of mess!

The below button will take you to the Which? Guide to different types of nappies and brand reviews from UK leading brands both disposable, biodegradable, eco and reusable.


Reusable Nappies

Whether its to help the environment, for cost saving purposes, to use more natural materials or just because they are sooooo cute, many parents of this generation are turning to reusable nappies.

They come in so many different brands, types and styles. This short video introduces you to the three most common types and gives some tips on how to fit them correctly onto your baby.

Loads more help and advice can be found online in Cloth Nappy Groups and from website such as The Nappy Lady whose you can access via the button below. Don’t forget you can also contact your local nappy library to try out different types of cloth on your baby to see what you prefer.


I hope you have fun practicing with your doll/teddy/friends baby! It can feel a bit awkward at first, but you’ll soon be a whizz at nappy changing after the first week (that’s nearly 100 nappies!)

Any questions just drop me a line.
