MAMBA UK- Antenatal Education and Postnatal Wellness

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Here We Go...

So here I am at 38 (!) launching my own business. It’s been a steep learning curve over the last few years getting to grips with running a franchise, but a(nother) military move means that it is time to go it alone.


This is a word that means so much to me. It’s a word that has driven me to try and build a company supporting women who live and feel this word. Whether it is because of circumstances like my own where frequent moves are common, or social anxiety, or antenatal depression, or other reasons of which there are far too many to mention- so many women in the Matrescence window feel ALONE. Isolated and adrift at a time when they are so vulnerable and need confidence, support and a community like no other.

MAMBA is my vision to not only giving me a career I love, that is flexible to our family circumstances, but that can also reach out and support women and families feeling the need for more bespoke support. The need for a friend, a consultant, an advocate, a trusted educator and a facilitator of community.

I am passionate not only about up-to-date evidence-based education around pregnancy, birth and infant care, but also about building confidence through communities.

So much to do to get MAMBA to where I see her being in 5 years time…..but I’ll get there!